7 Tips for Creating Technical Content on The Open Source Show

Adron Hall
1 min readDec 1, 2018


I’m in a video with the rad Christina Warren!

In this video we walk about 7 tips for creating technical content in a kind of rapid fire back and forth of ideas. Recording this was great, as the way we did it presented us with a chance to put these ideas together like this. Being that both of us have presented and helped people out presenting a few more times then we’ve been able to keep a count of, the crew leading this endeavor basically said, “start brainstorming” as if the show is live. We did that, and it worked rather well. Then the artists, animators, and crew went to work splicing and dicing the video into this watchable format! Lotsa fun, enjoy.

7 Tips for Creating Technical Content

For each of these I’ve elaborated on in the past.

Those 7 Tips for Creating Technical Content

  1. Always be learning!
  2. Know your audience.
  3. Bring ALL the connectors.
  4. Backup, backup, backup your presentations.
  5. Write continuously, regularly, and tell yourself a story.
  6. Try tutorials on a fresh machine.
  7. Observe how people create and present content.

Even more details on all these in the future.




Adron Hall

Software dev, data, heavy metal, transit, economics, freethought, atheism, cycling, livability, beautiful things & adrenaline junkie.